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A Step-by-Step Guide to Grafting

Late winter is grafting season, and the time of year to graft dormant hardwood cuttings and make some new baby fruit trees! Get your pruners sharpened, your grafting knives sterilized, and all of your budwood cut for another season and start making your own trees. Read on for a step-by-step guide to two easy methods to get grafting.

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One Tool, Many Uses: Single Edge Razor​

Single edge razors can be used for shaving, of course, but they have tons of other handy functions around the house. These multitasking tools are good to keep in the tool drawer, but remember to store them securely so the blades don’t dull and people don’t accidentally cut themselves. It’s also advisable to wipe the blade down between uses and periodically strop and oil it to keep it in good cutting condition. Dull blades increase the risk of injury in addition to not cutting as well.

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